Wrought Iron Coat Racks, Coat Trees and Wall Mounted Coat Hooks
Keep your entryway organized with a stylish and sturdy iron coat rack. Depending on the area you are working with you may want to use a free standing coat tree or wall mounted unit. Our coat racks are made by various shops which allows us to offer the widest variety of styles and sizes to fit your space. Please click on an iron coat rack below for product details and custom options. What type of coat rack is right for me?

What type of coat rack is right for me?
Free Standing Coat Trees or Stands
Free standing coat trees, or stands are perfect in many entryway settings. They are easy to move since they are not secured to the floor or wall and take up little space but can hold several coats, hats and scarves. All of our free standing coat trees are very stable and can take a full load of coats on one side without tipping over.
Wall Mounted Coat Racks
Wall mounted iron coat racks are stationary once they have been installed. They are convenient in areas with little floor space and provide plenty of hanging room in a relatively small area. When not in use most wall mounted coat racks double as a decorative wall accent. The decorative Woodland Wall Coat Rack is sometimes just used as sculptural wall accent.
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